Some Analysis

class date: 02/04/2025

Today, in the class professor showed us a report of his own displaying the number of shootings by police stations, that led me to an objective.

I wanted to understand the relationship between body camera usage and the race of the victim in fatal police shootings. So first I divided race of the individuals killed by a specific police stations, which looks like..

Agency Name White Black Hispanic Other/Unknown
Los Angeles Police Department 54 36 43 15
Phoenix Police Department 48 29 38 11
Houston Police Department 39 33 23 6

Then further categorized to know how many of the fatal shootings involved officers with body cameras turned ON and OFF for each racial group.

Agency name Race Bodycam ON Bodycam OFF Unkown
Los Angeles Police Department white 22 19 13
black 10 13 13
hispanic 16 15 12
Phoenix Police Department white 15 22 11
black 8 13 8
hispanic 9 20 9

ps: I was hoping to find some patterns, but it doesn’t look like there are any major ones.